Thursday, March 03, 2005

kicked from #phrack by sd_

Apez, gak ada angin gak ada ujan, gw di kick dan di banned dari #phrack, alasannya lucu [lihat di quotes] , btw emang sich saat itu yang ol di #phrack EFNET op semua, so gw duank yang pendatang . heueuhe .. lucunya lagi yang nge-kick masih mau chat ma gwa ..

---- i left my psy Online -------
#phrack i'm like the cookie monster on an acid trip
#phrack y3dip[S] @uglyduck @v0id @cefx_ @chroot @Crg @om @rap1st @nt @mcb @s4ur0n @yks_ @halfdead @_bobdash @gebbels @sd_ @dvorak- @cripy
#phrack End of /NAMES list.

------------------------ EOF-----

suddently ...

-------------- ive got kicked ---

* You were kicked from #phrack by sd_ (qiz winner for today)


also banned :((

#phrack unable to join channel (address is banned)
#phrack unable to join channel (address is banned)
#phrack End of /NAMES list.


@op who kicked me "HARD"

-----------------------sd_ ------
sd_ is * no job. no girl. no money. no problem. no future.
sd_ using Bo Legia mistrzem jest!
sd_ End of /WHOIS list.

-> *sd_* excuse me , why you kick me from #phrack ?

-------- quotes ------

sd_: you won the qiz
y3dips: i dunno understand ?
y3dips: qiz ???
sd_: yah
sd_: contest
y3dips: what kind of contest ? i never remember that im join the contest
y3dips: what kind of contest ?
sd_: "get into #phrack"
sd_: sorry cant tell more
y3dips: do i do something wrong ?
sd_: on the contrary
sd_: you did well
sd_: thats why you won the prize
y3dips: im still dont understand , i just want to join #phrack community , i need to learn much
y3dips: but if this bother u, im sorry
y3dips: thats fine
y3dips: btw, thx for answering my question even you KICK me hard


btw, any suggestion or comment ?
they are so funny...

after that i can join the #phrack for a while

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