Hari ini abis download
multisync 0.82 , belum di cobain sih , kayaknya ntar di cobanya di kos aja. Apa itu multisync ? di situsnya di sebutkan "MultiSync is a free modular program to synchronize calendars, addressbooks and other PIM data between programs on your computer and other computers, mobile devices, PDAs or cell phones. MultiSync works on any Gnome platform, such as Linux."
Nah jadi multisync itu semacam aplikasi gadget manager yang bekerja di atas GNOME, mudah mudahan sukses, kayaknya sih tinggal masukin device address sama channel aja (kan udah dapet pas scan pake

Maju terus
Linux !! Hidup
Ubuntu!! , hidup
y3dips !! .. he.he.he
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