Rencananya mo install ethereal via apt-get, eh yang kedonlod dan muncul malah paket Wireshark + ethereal common, hal ini membuat gw terkaget-kaget juga sedikit sampai akhirnya baca berita dari situs Resmi Ethereal tentang hal ini, dan juga dari situs resmi Wireshark di dapat info sbb
Gerald Combs, the creator of Ethereal®, has initiated the Wireshark network protocol analyzer project, a successor to Ethereal®. The Ethereal® core developer team has moved with Gerald to the Wireshark project. It is the world's most popular network protocol analyzer. It has a rich and powerful feature set, and runs on most computing platforms including Windows, OS X, and Linux. It is freely available as open source, and is released under the GNU General Public License.Berikut logo wireshark,

lengkapnya tentang wireshark dapat di lihat disini
mari kita lihat seberapa tangguhnya dirimu :P, anyway What a cool name ;)
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