Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Security tools

If you`re looking for or wondering what is the best security tools ever, then u should check this tremendous sites, Fyodor (as a creator of nmap) start this security tools surveys in 2000, update it in 2003 and release it again in 2006 survey, there is a list of an open source or commercial tools on any platform ( notes: No votes for the Nmap Security Scanner were counted because the survey was taken on a Nmap mailing list).

Go check your tools at, n here are short list of the best 5
  • nessus
  • wireshark, formerly known as Ethereal
  • snort
  • netcat
  • metasploit

  • if u ask me what a best tools for me and always in my "war machine", i choose nmap, dsniff, metasploit (thats the best three for now :) ) , How about you?


    1. kalo gw mas, GFI languard, metasploit sama Superscan ..masih pake windows , heheheh

    2. kalo gw di windows pake SSS (shadow security scanner), superscan, sama metasploit, di linux pake nessus, nmap, metasploit.

    3. kalo gw agak beda. Gue suka nessus, nmap,and metasploit. Lho sama ya mas spagiari...

    4. tools ?
      hmmmm...semua yg ada di auditor/backtrack/phlak/nubuntu/INSERT

    5. Dulu mah, waktu jadul, masih make telnet (*duh amit-amit, jadul bgt!*).
      Terus beranjak abege, ganti ke Nmap ama 10phtrack.
      Kalo sekarang mah udah nggak maen lagi. Udah ketuaan kali yee... hehe... mangkanya maennya cuma GnuPG doang.

    6. -security defend: iftop,iptables,ipfw,mikrotik

      -security pen-test: nmap, Ettercap (tools installed on Arudius)

    7. saya bang, kismet; ethereal; ma wepcrack :P, wehehehe lagi seneng wifi hack nih bang.. ajarin dunk bang
