Tuesday, March 20, 2007

%spam ?

!kids, please dont launch your "automatic spamming gun" without configuring it first, at least fill the variable first :)

and remember about "pattern searching" in email interface combine with "select all" and "delete" options, only makes your "powder" goin to trash

"save your bandwidth and stay away from drug (hehehehe) "


  1. !kids, please dont launch your "automatic spamming gun" without configuring it first, at least fill the variable first :)

    hahahahahaha :p,kena juga ya :p

  2. az001: hahahha, iye.. pernah ampe terima 2000 email dengan pengirim yang sama dan subjek yang sama, "saking pinternya" dia ga tau kalo gmail bakal ngumpulinnya ke 1 thread dengan tambahan (2000) dibelakangnya, alhasil tinggal centang n delete .. lebih juga boleh , n jangan ngirim spam dari tempat yang bisa di kenali (kantor misalnya) hahahahha,- what a mess
