Monday, April 16, 2007

Ubuntu Troubleshoot

Ive found two error on my ubuntu box (Linux tarantula 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP i686 GNU/Linux), the first problems is in my alsa driver, found dmesg output full of this kind of strings;
hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff
hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff
hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff
hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff

to fix it just add this strings to this file /etc/modprobe.d/sound
options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=3 position_fix=3

The second error that pop out on dmesg is my ndiswraper wont work perfectly, so i try this link

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