As they announced in their official sites, since at the end of july 2007, all the tools, articles, and exploits that has been release will discontinued and remove from their server (sites)
The Hacker's Choice is forced to discontinue several of its projects, as these might be effected by a new German 'anti-hacking' law.As a consequence all exploits and many releases have been removed from our web site. We are sorry.THC was founded in 1995 and published over 70 technical papers and software releases covering a wide range of computer security aspects. Currently, THC is among the top non-commercial security groups worldwide.
Taken from Securityfocus, about another German sites close, as anti-hacking law arrives.
In the latest move, PHP security professional Stefan Esser removed on Friday all exploit code from his Web site dedicated to the Month of PHP Bugs. While reasonable prosecutors would not likely pursue security researchers, the risk is too great, Esser stated.
"The big problem is that the (law) is not clearly written; it allows too much interpretation," Esser stated in the comments to the post. "While our government says that they do not want to punish, for example, hired penetration testers, this is not written down in the law."
Already, a number of other researchers have pulled their tools from their sites or shuttered their sites completely. Late last month, German research group Phenoelit shut down their site, but moved the content to the Netherlands. Earlier this month, the developers of the wireless scanner, Kismac, closed down their site in Germany as well and also said that they would reopen at a later date in the Netherlands.

the picture taken from kismac.de official sites
Ada gak situs2 yang seperti ini yang masih hidup? secara gw newbie banget dan sedang seneng belajar/membaca berbau security ,Lol.
ReplyDeletesalam hangat,
@uzamah: masih relatif banyak kok, masih ada insecure.org, dan lain sebagainya, tetapi THC adalah kelompok yang unik dan konsisten menghasilkan berbagai publikasi yang bagus, sayang memang :)
ReplyDeleteLaw nya malah memancing aktivitas underground semakin marak di dunia, aneh...
ReplyDelete@cyberheb: hehehe, dan lebih membuat para penjual software sekuritas yang propiteary senang.. :)