Dear all, we are gladly inform you that after yesterdays
echostaff annual meetings, we'd like to proudly introduce you all to our new echo staff. Perhaps some of you already know her, she already contribute to our latest
echo magazine issue. and within age that is still very young, then we are hoping that there will be more knowledge that she can share with echo, and perhaps also the more knowledge that she could gather.
Last but not least, please welcome "rey" as our newest and youngest staff.
Selamat yah buat echo n buat rey juga ...
ReplyDeletewah selamat yah..
ReplyDeletesaya gag di ajak2 jadi stap
wah,rey cewe kan ya?
ReplyDeleteselamat ya buat Mbak Rey.. :D
slamat juga buat Echo..
smoga makin maju n berjaya..
amin.. hehe :)
Selamat n sukses selalu, kami siap menunggu karya-karya terbaik yang selalu ditampilkan yang juga bermanfaat bagi yang lain, semoga terus jaya n tidak akan pernah susut oleh waktu
ReplyDeleteWaow 13 taon, the next Silvio nih
ReplyDeleteyg bner 13 ap 19 se?
klo di bloger'nya 13
klo di facebooknya lahirnye tahun 90'....
btw.. brpapun.. tak support deh buat dirinya dan all echo staff... :D
kalo FB khan minimal 17 taun, lagian di blognya juga soal mata pelajarannya masih mata pelajaran SMP. Mosok SMP 19 tahun... :P
ReplyDelete@Ariel, FX: thx, gag ah, elo cowo n dah tuir.. wokwokwoow.. **kidding**, semua butuh proses :)
@r3cursive: yup
@arthemist: tks
@Iskandar Darwis: amin, terimakasih doanya, mohon kontribusinya juga dunk ah :)
@Chik0: Mari kita support dan doakan :)
@w0ng_tuwo: Chik0 dah jawab kyknya :P
wah... iya3x....
ReplyDeletebru tau... ;D