The story are about a place name "Angkerbatu" , all people around this place believe that "the place" was an empire of Nyai Roro Kidul. This story begin when two reporter from a company of Korean Television ( Manda and Rino) dissapear. Theyre made a story about the society demonstration opposing development of biggest modern golf course in Asia by a korean company in Angkerbatu. News team from Voice of Korea, Yudha (yama carlos), Kanaya (mieke wijaya) and Warno soon go to Angkerbatu to look for their friend that are missing and found many experiences and almost lost their life against the ghost from a haunted palace.
Like another Indonesians horror movie, this movie also have a teribble ending, i dont like the ending :P, (maybe its a trick to make a "sekuel" movie, gyahh), So i rate it 5 from 10 (Not Too good and Not to bad).
***ps: sorry buat temen temen id-ubuntuers yang kemaren pesta di bandung dan jogja, maaf neh gw ga bisa ikutan pesta feisty (lah kok sempet-sempetnya nonton, wong pada pesta feisty :P) **
ane juga ga ikutan bos, tapi ane ga nonton tu pilem, wehehhehe
ReplyDeleteEheem, nonton pelemnya ama siapa bos? :D
ReplyDeletebadrun: hehehehe, trus ente ngapain ? :p
ReplyDeleteimtheface: Sama sapa lagi :P, mosok ama elo .. hehehe. btw ga ikutan juga kan lo? senaseeb dah, mangkanya lain kali di jabotabek juga ya ..
ReplyDeletetetep nempatin film2 indo di urutan terbawah dari list film yang akan ditonton... (lah...AADC aja yang dulu populer...nontonnya setelah 3taon setelah film itu muncul) kekekkeke...
ReplyDeleteapalagi kalo tema-nya masih itu2 aja...
okky: yah, kebetulan waktu itu ga ad afilm lain yang bagus dan pengen di tonton, dan aku emang lagi suka merhatiin perkembangan film indo neh (walau kadang kecewa akhirnya).. :)