This Firefox add-ons allows you to browse echo forum faster, coz u dont have to type the Web address at URL box, you can download Firefox add-ons: Echo Forum shortcut here , Credit goes to our beloved member : Hendrawan a.k.a kodokhunt.
Simply way to install, open the *.xpi with Firefox, then just choose install now (please ignore the unsigned warning, hell yeah we arent ready to register it :LOL:), then simply restart your firefox.
Simply way to Use, Right Click an Empty page and Highlight "Echo Community Forum" to browse the forum. See the picture below for the help :)

Else, please enjoy the Fiture :)
ada dot dmg nya ngga?
ReplyDeleteshoutz to kodokhunt =)
ReplyDeletenice job!
ReplyDeleteuzamah: dmg? buat apaan yak? disk image-nya MAC ? CMIIW
ReplyDeleteWow, makin mantep ajah neh echo.. sampe2 punya add-ons sendiri. :D
ReplyDeleteShoutz to kodokhunt
Shoutz to echo..
yup, bener bang. udah satu bulanan pake MAC x86.
ReplyDeletemac untuk client warnet, mo pake ubuntu dilarang owner.padahal server pake debian. owner yg aneh ;d...
btw, bang bisa ajrin load balancing? mo maksimalin 2 ip publik nih...
owner nya udah ngoprek satu hari, tapi tambah lemot(apa yg salah?).
atao ada cara lain?
yah.. bahasa inggris lagiiiii!
ReplyDeletewow, nice..
ReplyDeletebtw, minta source-nya dunk!
buat belajar..!!
shout to kodokhunt!
anonymous : thx atas supportnya selama ini
ReplyDeleteuzamah :huhuhe, client warnet pake mac ? dhasyat juga yah :D, soal load balancing, gw dah bales di email coba cek.
ReplyDeleteBlack_Claw: maaf, tapi gw harus semakin memper"jago" english gw :), mudah-mudahan berhasil :)
ReplyDeleteopt1lc: langsung aja kontak kodokhunt-nya
ReplyDeletey3dips: congrats mate!
ReplyDeleteuzamah: ini adalah adds on (baca : extensions) buat firefox.jd gk perlu pake dot dmg.tgl drag n drop file EchoForumMenu.xpi ke window add ons firefox kamu.i'm using osx tiger 10.4.9.
opt1lc:klo nt tertarik bikin adds on sendiri bisa liat dokumentasi dari developer firefox nya http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Building_an_Extension
K-159 : hello there bro :)
ReplyDeletek-159 : oh, iya! sekalian buat belajar! ^_^
ReplyDeletekeren! seep, jadi tertarik juga bikin addons :) nice job kodokhunt!
ReplyDeleteShoutz to echo..
ReplyDeleteShoutz to y3dips..
Shoutz to semua..
kebetulan ada org yg buat, mas kodokhunt. bisa minta contoh sourcenya gak!!
ReplyDeleteiya contoh sourcenya donk
ReplyDeleteOMG..kuk di saya gak ada ya? pass klik kanan..
ReplyDeletefirefox 6..
bantuannya.. :D
asik2 echo ada add onsnya...
ReplyDeleteitu featurenya apa aja ya mas?
death voice