Tuesday, August 07, 2007

VoIP Rakyat Communicator (VRC) = Trojan ?

In order to communicate using VOIP on her laptop, my friends asking me to help her for installing VoIP Rakyat Communicator (VRC) ( also setting an account) into her XP service pack 2 Box. During the installation process, AVG anti virus free edition detect one part of the application as a Trojan and im not able completing the installation.

Her AVG are updated until today, i dont know why this such thing happens (its been a long time not strugling with virus/worm/malware, after using deep freeze on sp33dnet clients) . Just got an idea and suggesting her not to use XP and "give linux a shot" :)


  1. yah.... bener bgt klo bang y3d1ps menyerankan pake linux. Ga pake Av2-an. dan.....ada yg bisa dikerjakan klo pake linux :)

  2. ah padahal dulu ada yang bilang kalo pake deepfreeze bisa "sucking your HD" tuh....

    *siyul2.... :P

  3. anonymous : hehehe, iyah tapi ternyata ga semudah "ucapan gw mengalir" :P, alhasil dia pilih ga pake itu VRC dibanding ganti windowsnya , jaiakakkakaka

  4. kosha: sekarang pun gw masih bilang begitu :P (masih dendam yah ? :P ), ya mo gimana lagi, gw cuma memilih cara yang tidak terlalu buruk dari semua cara paling buruk :(

  5. kk y3dips
    ikutan belajar ya ...


  6. iya dendam gw, kecuali nanti dikirimin buku ke rumah gw "for free" baru ilang dendamnya... :P :P

    *siyul2 lagi ah....

  7. punya saya aman2 saja tuh pasang VRC dengan AVG juga. mungkin anti virus (jerman?) ini nggak suka sama karya anak bangsa kali
