Network Availability GSM
Network Coverage UMTS / GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
Display Type TFT, 256K colors
Display Size 176 x 220 pixels
Input Type Numeric Keypad
Ringtones Type Polyphonic (40 channels), MP3
Std. Memory 16 MB shared memory
Memory Slot Memory Stick Micro (M2)
GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots)
Messaging Capabilities SMS, EMS, MMS, E-mail
Infrared Port Not Available
Bluetooth Available
* 3G: 384 kbps
Wireless LAN Not Available
Camera 2MP, 1600 x 1200 pixels
Video Recorder Available
Voice Recorder Available
Multimedia FM Radio, MP3/MP4 Player
Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion
Talk Time 9 hours
Standby Time 400 hours
PC Connectivity USB
Dimension (WHD) 102 x 46 x 14 mm
Weight 92 g
And i give it a name "Claymore" :), some application already installed (bloover, super bt hack, and ym tiny)
also being my UMTS modem for a while :)
ini seri berapa ya? ditunggu reviewnya :D
ReplyDeleteSE K530i, sori belun kemasuk :d, ok d kalo sempet :)
ReplyDeletesama, saya juga pake k530i.
ReplyDeletetp blom di tes dgn blankon3
di ubuntu sudah terdeteksi kok, terakhir di feisty juga sudah (*belun sempet pake hardy)