Yes, this is one chapter of my book that i "eager" to finish, the title was "password series" and its about getting all password information, written in indonesian languages, level for newbies-advanced and has 27 pages , i wrote it in early 2005 and all the content are below from that year (tested and workS), i hate to admit that im still unable to finish the book (one of a big reason is just ive lost my taratula (before this ne0 tarantula), my external harddrive (backup), and all my books material (some other chapter) that i havent backup it except this one that ive already emailed to the editor).

Anyway, i think i cant hold this chapter anymore so i decide to share it, you can download it at , maybe this only for three month (90 Days), i hope i could find some space to upload all my material (paper, article, seminar materials, and else), is there a friends wanna spare some space for uploading my materials ? :P
My book are stiil in progress (gyahhh) . wish me luck pals :) .. Remember Im not Promising here! :P
updated: ive created the cover just for fun :P, n yeah just wanna tell if this book kinda out of date because ive wrote it in 2005, n its a must to update the content, sorry (for ex: some problem meets with firefox version when i wrote n now :))
I just upload it to another place, if u cant download it from gudangupload, you can download it at here
Mantabb... wah lu dah hampir kesampean bang, gw blum nih yang k**i itu (psstt.... rahasia perusahaan =D), btw gw forward ya postingan bulletin yang ada di fs bang, biar banyak yang donlot =D
ReplyDeletehdytsgt: kesampean gimana :P , itu dari awal 2005 mendem di laptop gw, malah ikut hilang :(, kemunduran tauk, jadi daripada buku gw gak kunjung ada kabar, ya udah ini gw kasih free aja, tar buat buku mudah-mudahan materi baru :), silahkan aja di forward.. mudah mudahan bermanfaat
ReplyDeletei've read it, and it's very satisfying .. :) , btw , you don't have to do a password-reminder task in FireFox to get user's password , you can use FFsniff (an invisible mozilla add on to sniff user's password,and it'll send them to your email address). :)
ReplyDeletecan't wait for your full edition book!
arie: nice to have a comment again :), thx for let me know about FFSniff (damn, i have an idea to made one add ons like this when i wrote the chapter), but it released after i wrote my book (it was released on march 2006, and i wrote this chapter on 2005, ehhehe ), but ur comment give some idea :), thxs for comment
ReplyDeleteom,link yang di gudang sudah expire :( btw, makasih banyak untuk pencerahannya. jadi ga sabar nunggu bukunya keluar :D
ReplyDeleteanonymous : makasih, btw masih bisa tuh mas, dan aku belun dapet reminder soal "expired rime"nya :), coba lagi deh
ReplyDeletenice chapter, dude .. ill buy your book if u released it :)
ReplyDeleteabdul : thxs dude.. wish me luck :)
ReplyDeleteLinknya kok down yah om :(
ReplyDeleteMungkin gudangupload.com dah kepenuhan kali ye
Uplod di rapidshare aja om (xixi :))
matdhule :hum, gitu yah.. dah gw upload di http://www.badongo.com/file/3132691 kok, mudah mudahan ok (45 hari duank)
ReplyDeleteMantapp sih .. tapi ada yg kurang .. :D
ReplyDeleteKurang Banyak ngasih gratisannya .. hehehe
az001 : beuh, anyway thx code yang lo kasih tadi, ntar tak coba ramu lagi, tapi kalo lo sempet buatin ampe di enkrip pasti lebih bagus. ehhehehe, tenang tar lo baca duluan dah :P
ReplyDeletemas link nya kayanya mati tuh
ReplyDeleteanonymous : link yang satunya (http://www.badongo.com/file/3132691) juga ga bisa mas ? **waduh cari mirror lagi neh**
ReplyDeleteyoooow bro...:D, numpang download ya...mudah-mudahan makin banyak orang yang kayak mas...coz makin banyak para master yang pelit ilmu...hehehe :D
ReplyDeleteBtw, keep writing 'n share to us..
cyker : thx supportnya, mudah-mudahan ada manfaatnya :)
ReplyDeleteogut blom coba sih
ReplyDeletetp pasti coba
mas, saya numpang donlot. pengen dicobain. :D
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletekang y3dips: kalo dipratekin di os-vista gmn?, kangtatantakwa pas ngoprek mental mulu. Masalahnya itu di john ripper-nya ato diotak saya yang error... :), cuba tulung aku dikasih tau...
ReplyDeletelink di http://www.badongo.com/file/3132691 masih bisa, kalo masih error, coba temp, cookies dikosongin trus restart, kalo saya kalo kasus linknya bolot pake steganos destruction
ReplyDeleteadiachmad : selamat mencoba
ReplyDeleteIrvan : selamat mendonlod
kangtatatakwa : kalo badongo error bisa donlod di lirva32.org/ammar, soal di vista aku belum coba atuh kang, abis ga punya vista (dan belum cari tau soal password security + enkripsi yang digunakan), pake bajakan takut di tangkap :).. boleh kalo mo dikasih :)
selamat yaa..
ReplyDeleteakhirnya launch juga bukunya.. that's one of your dream bukan, walopun menurut km masi blm sempurna but mudah2an berguna bagi orang lain.. n semoga mulai dari buku ini bisa muncul buku2 lainnya..
sukses ya..
tiwili wah mampir juga yah, btw itu cuma salah satu chapter yang dah lama aku buat, bukunya sih lagi di proses, anyway thx dah mampir n buat supportnya :)
ReplyDeleteset dah nih orang ngilang tanpa jejak...akhirnya ketemu di tempatnya om blogger...pa kabar lu bang?ajak2 gw napa..kalo bicara disini kayaknya bnyk ngomongin comp...gak ada lagi tuh plng kantor ngebut2an..
ReplyDeletelu mau nerbitin buku..jangan lupa nama gw disebut..:P
bukunya juga hrs tanpa lisensi dong, open source jg gt..kalo nggak open yah maap muun izin terpaksa ane ngebajak juga..maklum gak punya duit..:(
tadi blog gw nyampe gak ya...
ReplyDeletesorry lupa ngasih inisial...pengemudi MX yg suka kebut2an ama lu hehehehe
coment gw harus di upload ya...
ReplyDeleteanonymous-naek-mx: lah asal lo peratiin aja masih banyak jejaknya :P, hahahha.. ya kapan-kapanlah kita balapan lagi, soal buku lagi di kejer deadline neh, doain aja kelar n sukses.
ReplyDeletebang lu ikut milis dimana aja?
ReplyDeletegw dah ikut di jasakom-perjuangan@yahoogroups.com, oprek komputer.com, dsb tapi jawabannya gak ada yang bikin gw puas..terlalu global..ya walaupun ada sih sedikit ilmunya
numpang nanya satu aja dah...
gimana caranya kalo gw nyusup tapi ga kedetek ama IDS ? apa perlu pake naruh trojan dulu ? thanx..
kalo bisa bales ke email gw di green2_live@yahoo.com
-pengemudi mx-
@Anonymous :try this one http://echo.or.id/forum/viewforum.php?f=31
ReplyDeletekalo email or ym lu apaan bang ?
ReplyDeletekatanya lu sekarang di dubai ya ?
wuih hebat dah...
gila gw kudu ngabdi dulu 9 tahun..
-pengemudi mx-
kang ammar, emelnya apaan ? ymku yang e_c0nsole kenak suspend, sene tak add lg >.<
ReplyDeletedah lama ndak chat... sp tau ada seminar biar gampang ngundang jg ... kekekekek
salam kenal buat mas y3dips.
ReplyDeleteane ijin download ya?
wahhh....gw udah ketinggalan kereta nich!
ReplyDeleteecho kenapa gak bikin pelatiahn security aja sich, kan mantep tuch kalo ada pelatihan nya!
jiaghh... filenya udah terhapus om... :(
ReplyDeleteada link download laen ga ?
thanx before
makasi kang ammar
ReplyDeletemantappp nih..
ReplyDeletemau coba pelajari