Yesterday was fun enough (
altough im so..so tired, i was in miss direction to the place (as always)),
RITECH2007 "research, inovation & technology" Expo at MAll Glodok Kemayoran was a great event, so many great activities from different community in there.
I was one of the speaker at the seminar event, it was "Hacker & Klinik IT" seminar. I was presenting about MITM (
Monkey In The Middle) Attack and how to defend with ubuntu GNU/Linux "an arpWall project snapshot" also give some
short demonstration also. For you, who wanted to know what is all about and dont have time to come to the event, just grab it
here. I call it a Monkey attack instead of "man", because this kind of attack are more.. more easier to do now (
just clik n wait, with no less knowledge), and the attacker (monkey) has no idea about what they are doing. I also describing my
arpWall project, as an overview for its.
I also take some picture from the events, it was a great event, id love to see a robot "one of a creature that being my big obsession to made when i was a child".

Wah kok gak mampir ke stan ubuntu-id tercinta??
ReplyDelete@milisdad: waduh sori, waktu itu abis ashar trus muter-muter n kebablasan keluar, baru inget pas dah dijalan pulang, sempet ketemu belutz sama fh, sama aldedi